Project Rescue
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.” Exodus 14:13a (NLT)
It’s Thanksgiving week, and I’m thankful for so much. So, as I sit and ponder what I’m most thankful for, I’m reminded that I am rescued.
Every day.
And, oh how thankful I am for my Rescuer.
I love these verses in Exodus right before God parted the Red Sea, when Moses is encouraging the Israelites. “Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:13-14 (NLT)
My life could be defined quite simply as “Project Rescue.” I wish I could say I have stayed calm through it all, but I know for sure the Lord has fought, and continues to fight for me.
Over my 40ish years, I’ve had my fair share of screw-ups, cuss-fits, bad decisions, and ungodly moments (still do, unfortunately!). But, as I look back, I see how God fights for me and rescues me time after time.
How He put a youth pastor in my life as a teenager that taught me how to pray and love people.
How He protected me from bad decision after bad decision in my twenties that could have caused disaster after disaster if I was in control.
How He made a way for me to have a career where I could be fulfilled, but also build the skills I would need to serve Him with the gifts He provided.
How He sent me the husband who fit me like no other after I prayed for nine years to love someone again.
How He created the miracle of all miracles for my family with the birth of my daughter.
How He brought me out of the deepest grief I could imagine after the unexpected death of a loved one.
Time after time, He has …
Gone before me.
Been right there with me.
Never failed me.
Given me wisdom that was not my own.
Sustained me.
Loved me in spite of me.
And, I am so thankful.
So, this week, as we're sitting down with our full plates and grateful hearts, let's remember we belong to the Rescuer. Let's inventory the rescues, and let's be thankful for every single one.
READ: Genesis 15:1; Deuteronomy 31:6; 1 Chronicles 28:20; Isaiah 41:13
PRAY: Ask God to go before you, to protect you, to give you wisdom, and to rescue you from whatever is standing in the way of serving Him in a greater way.
GROW: Make an inventory of all God has done for you, and take time this week to thank Him for it all.