I'm a Loud Mouth
Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Romans 12:2b (NLT)
I’m loud. I can’t help it. Well, maybe I can, but it’s honestly part of my DNA. It’s not a badge of honor, but a curse that I can’t seem to fight off no matter how hard I practice my “inside voice.” Oh, and don’t get me tickled, or my laugh will run you out of the room. It’s seriously obnoxious, but I’ve tried to tame it for 41 years. #Impossible
My internal dialogue – yeah … it’s just as loud – just as obnoxious. I can go to Crazytown in a flash. I listen to my flesh and get caught up in some straight-up nonsense.
The way we think, the influences that guide us, the mind train we ride – they’re all powerful voices. But, the loudest voice – the most important voice – should be the voice of God in our lives.
Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. Galatians 5:25 (NLT)
It’s hard to hear the voice of the Spirit when our minds are crowded with so many other voices.
Friends. Family. Conference calls. People-pleasing.
Jealousy. Gossip. Television. Social media.
The housewives of (name that city).
I’ve got a tribe of voices that crowd my mind every day.
So, how do we make the voice of the Spirit the loudest voice?
Some of my most divine moments with the Spirit are super-early in the morning. And, I’m no morning person. I firmly believe God speaks to me the most clearly in the wee hours of the morning, because it’s the only time I stop. I mean really stop the madness of my life.
I don’t know about you, but it’s impossible for me to listen – really listen – if I’m going 90 miles an hour with my day planner on full throttle.
I have to stop.
And then, I listen.
I get in the Word. I pray. I journal. And, the Spirit speaks.
His voice is loud. But, honestly, it should be louder.
You see, it’s hard to hear Him when I only have 15 minutes to get into the Word, and my mind is racing on the grocery list I have to finish and the project at work that has a deadline of five minutes ago. I get caught up in all that is meaningless and those voices ring louder than the only one that matters.
So, I stop again. And, I listen.
Praying … dear God, transform me. Change the way I think. Use the Spirit-filled megaphone and be the loud mouth to my soul. Make your voice the loudest. I want to hear you.
READ: Romans 12:1-2; Galatians 5:24-26
PRAY: Ask God to transform the way you think, and to allow you to discern what the Spirit has to say to you today.
GROW: Stop. Be still. Really listen for the Spirit in your life. Commit to digging into his Word and pursuing His promises.