Please Don't Rock My World
Then the entire town came out to meet Jesus, but they begged him to go away and leave them alone. Matthew 8:34 (NLT)
Are you ready? I mean REALLY ready.
Sometimes I’m not. I’m just not. I’m comfortable.
Sometimes I don’t want my world to be rocked.
And, then I’m reminded of this story in Matthew.
Jesus is going about his business, when he encounters two men possessed by demons. The Bible says they lived in a cemetery, and they were so violent no one would get near them (yep – it’s a horror flick right there in the New Testament).
Jesus casts out the demons into some pigs that were herding in the distance, and the entire herd of pigs plunged into a nearby lake and drowned. So, of course, people began talking.
The herdsmen who saw this began telling everyone about what Jesus had done.
Did the people of the town want to meet this Jesus guy? You bet.
Were they ready for Him to rock their world? Not quite.
Then the entire town came out to meet Jesus, but they begged him to go away and leave them alone. Matthew 8:34
Aren’t we like these townspeople? We want to meet Jesus and get our eyes on Him, but we want to keep Him at a distance. We beg Him to go away … to leave us alone.
We buy the Bible Study, but never read it.
We sign up to serve at Church, but don’t show up.
We feel the Holy Spirit nudge us to share Christ with a co-worker, but we tip toe around it and never really get to it.
Because, we want to be left alone - in our comfort zone.
We have encountered Jesus, but we’re good. He can go away now.
Let’s be bold today. Let’s see His goodness, share it with others, and welcome Him into every area of our life.
Let’s ask God to rock our world.
READ: Matthew 8:28-34
PRAY: Welcome God into every part of your life. Ask him to rock your world, and commit to honor Him through whatever comes your way.
GROW: Share with others the impact you have seen Jesus make, and search for ways you can be a part of His work through serving, praying, and being faithful in the places God has put you in this season.